Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Contempt Trailer

An interesting and very different way to get your audience to go watch your movie. I applaud it, and wish it was me who did it.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Breathless (1960)

I remember reading a review on some one's blog, and they felt that the movie breathless was a film that got away from Jean Luc Godard. To me that comment was off the mark, and from a technical standpoint I think it was superb. Godard is master in cinema, and extremely creative, I've come to learn that he can make almost anything interesting on screen, Which goes to show that you don't need an "action packed shoot em up" film to keep the audience interested. Breathless (1960) definitely inspired a lot of similar  macho, vintage Bogart, character driven films like Bonnie & Clyde (1967) for example.  Warren Beatty playing Clyde Barrow will almost instantaneously remind you of this fellow in the image posted above. Godard enjoyed breaking the fourth wall and utilizing the jump cut, but what I really love is how he rarely cut from a scene. Which really brought life an emotion on screen, From cinematic standpoint, this film is elite, and is truly a work of art. I film is today is losing the art aspect. So, to understand what I mean you must watch this film.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Frenzy (1972)

It's been awhile so I felt it was only fitting to make an appearance with a nice still. This is excellent composition by my favorite director Alfred Hitchcock, in his later years. Notice how we have something in the foreground, middle ground, and back, making this scene much more interesting then it may really be. 
Please do yourself a favor and watch this clip, Alfred shows that he has mastered the art of cinema. Sometimes the power of suggestion goes a long way.

Saturday, May 23, 2015


Well ladies and gentlemen, I am about halfway through my first ever screenplay!I appreciate the applause but guys I don't really need a standing ovation, I still have such a long way to go.I am pretty thrilled with the progress that I've made and,. Not by any stretch is writing a screenplay easy, it takes time and discipline. For awhile I had stopped writing because I was unsure as to where I wanted to go with my story.  After countless hours of thinking/note taking, and when I say countless I really mean it, I finally figured the rest of my story out.  And now that I solved it, it's time to get back on my grind since I have astronomical plans for this movie, and myself. Everyone stay tuned, I think I got something special here, and from here on out all I can do is go up.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Inherent Vice (2014)

You have to love scenes that enhance the mood. This movie has a moody feel throughout there are scenes in fog and red lighting. Shots like that give the true essence to cinematic storytelling. One can assume its early morning, we all know early mornings don't necessarily look like this, but just like an artist you are giving your take. Its in the artists eyes and how they interpret what they see.

Monday, May 4, 2015

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly (1966)

Sergio Leone is the master of westerns and composition. If you aren't familiar with him, just take a look below.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Drive 2011

Lots of good compositions in this one! Just watch the movie and pay attention to the relationship between Ryan Gosling, the girl, and her son. Fabulous cinematography.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

The Sniper Comps

Favorite shots from the film.

The Sniper (1952)

The story of a killer who has issues with women, and can't seem to control himself.  He realizes he has a problem and tries reaching out multiple times so he can be stopped.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The Big Combo (1955)

One of the most iconic shots in Film Noir history! It is also an excellent use of light and shadow. The fog/smokey feel defines Noir, giving it that mysterious feel. Overall the composition its fantastic, we get a sense of depth.  Characters don't seem forced into the frame, there is enough breathing room, and it's tangent free! Sometimes tangents exist in old films due to the change in aspect ratio, but today's films don't have an excuse.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The Third Man Comps


The Third Man (1949)

A movie filled with stellar composition, and lighting, here are just a few!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

A Patch of Blue (1965)

America has come a long way in regards to racism. Sidney Poitier and Elizabeth Hartman had an on screen kiss in A Patch of Blue (1966). Today you don't think twice about a black male kissing a white female, well any race or gender really. But, in the year 1965 racism was more than prevalent, and the civil rights movement was actively going. The kiss scene between the two of them were cut out of the movie when played in southern states. If this was currently happening today this would be just pathetic to hear that there is still so much ignorance in the world. The kiss took on history as it was the first on screen kiss between a black man and a white woman. Selina (Elizabeth Hartman) is a blind teenager who falls in love with a black man named Gordon (Sidney Poitier). This is a timeless movie, and definitely Hollywood stylized movie. I'm not saying it in a bad way, I absolutely loved the film and could watch it over and over again. The film is about racism rather than about a romance, but the racism is so subtle. Considering I'm not old enough to have lived through that time period I can only go off what I've seen through TV, and learned from school/family. Now knowing that, being black in that time period was very challenging, therefore I feel when the two of them are out together they should go through some type of challenge. I know there are some people out there who don't agree with the two of them being together. No one expressed their feelings towards them other than Selina's family. At the same time this film was filled with so much symbolism , deeper meanings, making this film so powerful.   Rather than spoiling I insist it must be watched.
One thing I took away from this film is being blind is both a blessing and a curse. Sometimes we are quick to judge people without even knowing them. I don't just mean black or white, this goes for being disabled, and even gay. A lot of times people judge because they simply don't understand. Sometimes we need to live with our eyes closed.  Imagine the true beauty you can find in someone if you didn't base your judgments on outer appearance, but on the heart and soul of a human being.  Imagine how special the world could be if we did that; Selina said towards the end of the film she knew who Gordon really was.  She began to list the things she loved about him, and Gordon says " Beautiful? Most people would say the opposite". She then replies with "That's because they don't know you". I say we all could be a little more like Selina, she had it right.

Thursday, April 2, 2015